Scarlett the Flower Girl

Scarlett was a flower girl in Jon & Meg's wedding. I was SO PROUD of her ;)

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June 30th

I went though the day thinking it was the 29th - the cool thing about it is that it's summer - so who cares!

Scarlett and I are having a battle of the wills lately. She is such a picky eater and I'm really sick of it - so when she won't eat, I'm making her stay at the table until she takes a bite. Tonight we sat and looked at each other for 40 minutes until she ate one bean and one bite of chicken. FORTY MINUTES. We've also done this with carrots and grilled cheese previously. I don't know if what I'm doing is right, but it seems to make sense. There is probably some evidence that by me doing this she'll turn into some sort of freakazoid adult and have to go through therapy.

The Piggy Song

Have you seen Scarlett sing her piggy song?

We were so darn proud of Scarlett. As most of you know, she is SO shy and can't utter a word when spoken to and for her to get up onto stage and sing was a miracle!

How is it June 27th?

It's June 27th? How did that happen?

Quick update - Steve is still wonderful, Scarlett turned 3, Susannah loves to hit and pull hair, and I'm moving schools.

I told you it was going to be quick.

And because I'm completely shameless, here are updated pictures of my girls - cause I love them to bits and pieces. I did these pictures for Father's day for Stevie.


Steve's brother Jon is getting married next month and Scarlett will be the flower girl. I found an absolutely stunning dress for her and she is going to be a beautiful little girl, let's just hope that she walks down the aisle. She is so painfully shy that I worry she'll freeze and not get down the aisle at all. I also worry about the wedding being an early evening wedding because we all know what my girls do in the early evening. Have you ever seen a gremlin eat after midnight? It's similar.

When was the last time?!

When was the last time I updated the blog?


That sounds about right!



Geez, it's AUGUST.

My girls have gone back to daycare and I've attempted to gain back my identity instead of being just "Mommy" - not that I don't ADORE being Mommy, but sometimes I want to be Jen, too.

SusaMae apparently has adapted to daycare well. She's refusing to eat her breakfast spoon feeding. Today she was in her "spare" onesie when I picked her up because she had puked peas out of her nose while eating them - so on went the spare.

Scarlett tinkled on the potty at daycare today- she told Miss Dana she had to go after naptime - talk about an improvement! WOOHOO! She did not want me to leave this morning and I felt so darn bad that I stayed and sat with her while she ate breakast (two plates of pancakes and syrup and some milk) and then helped shoo the 2's and tots into the classroom after doing a quick sticky syrup hand cleaning session.

Daycare is exhausting the girls. At 7 tonight, they were both in bed. It was truly beautiful. It's 830 now and I think Scarlett has finally fallen asleep. She's become a master at finding things to occupy her time until SHE wants to go to bed. It's a good thing she's not independent - because if she was- we may be in trouble. (Have you noticed scarcasm isn't one of my best traits?! HA!)

After I drop the girls tomorrow, I'm off to Kohls with my extra 20% coupon and then heading to school to attempt to try and finish my room. What a task. Who thought changing schools and districts was a good idea? Oh yeah, that was ME.

I'm tired and I haven't even SEEN a student yet!

Thank gosh my girls are doing well at daycare, though. Scarlett is going to get to bring cupcakes to school tomorrow - LOL - Dana will have fun with that.

How in the world is my patience SHOT at 10:30 in the morning?

I swear, today is just one of those days when I want to be just ME and not a mommy or wife or anything else.

A bath! Yes! A bath with Scarlett not stripping herself naked to get in with me.

A breakfast that I sit down and eat by myself without anyone requesting juice or crying.

I don't believe that my girls have been needier than normal today, I just believe that my patience is much lower than usual. I don't really have a reason why. My wonderful husband had night duty and got up with SusaMae this morning and I slept until 7:45.

****PAUSE 10 MINUTES****

My husband just walked in the door from getting the car inspected and from getting groceries - and he came home with flowers. I think I needed those today. He also came home with fancy cheese and wine. (note to self: must post about fancy cheese night).

So, like I was saying, my patience today with my two angels is about shot - but maybe it's looking up.

My girls are just so lucky

Last week we went out to Belville to see Mom Mom - Steve's grandmother. This week my granddad has flown in from Wisconsin to spend two weeks. My girls just don't realize how lucky they are (and they're not expected to) to meet up with their great grandparents.

I would love for the opportunity to meet up with my great grandparents. LOVE to. My gram and granddad have told stories about their mothers and fathers that have stuck with me - if just little snippits - like how granddad's mother always a colorful plate and what a great seamstress my gram's mother was.

Several years ago, I sent out questionaries for my grandparents to fill out regarding their lives so I could give it to my girls so they would have something from their great grandparents when they weren't here anymore. My gram has passed on, and thankfully, she filled it out, not only for my girls, but also (selfishly) for me. (God, I miss Gram so much every day of my life. There is a quote from The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton where Ponyboy says, "My mother was golden and beautiful." That was my Gram. Golden and beautiful. And now I'm crying again.....frick. It's so hard to lose someone you love so much and so unfair when someone leaves you so unexpectedly. Gram was so selfless and generous. My heart breaks every day all over again over the loss of her I truly hope she comes and visits my girls because they would be missing out on someone who is truly great. Heck, for that matter, I hope she comes and visits me, too, because I do miss someone who is truly great.)

This is why I sent out the questionaires to all the grandparents - I want them to know the greatness they came from and have a piece of that. I don't have that and I wish I did. Steve's paternal grandmother, Granny, also filled it out and sent it back.

I guess I need to resend it to every one else.

And now since this has become a harder post for me than intended, I'm off.

Love you, Gram.

My girls are so cute

So cute -


SusaMae was an angel today and took nearly a 3 hour nap this morning. Then she napped for an hour this late afternoon. Then, she was asleep in about 15 minute flat tonight after bath time! Granted, she only ate less than an OUNCE which means she'll be up good and early for me tonight.

Scarlett had to go to time out twice today. My aunt Sally gave Scarlett a Sesame Street lunch box and thermos and Scarlett decided to hurl the thermos across the room this morning and then refused, flat out REFUSED, to pick it up. She wouldn't even do it when Daddy told her to! So, she went into her room for 3 minutes and kicked the bedroom door. She came out, I told her to go and tell Daddy she was sorry for not listening and then pick up the thermos. She told Daddy sorry and gave him a hug, but refused to pick up the thermos. Back to time out!

When she came out 3 minutes later, she picked it up. Twerp.

This afternoon she danced around the study to "Shake Your Booty" - that made up for it in the cuteness factor.

Taco Cheese!

Who knew that Taco Cheese could be so fun?

No, not TACO CHEESE, like in queso, I mean Taco Cheese!

Purple Pool

Me: Do you want to get a pool, Scarlett?
Scarlet nods yes.
Me: let's go and check the price.
Scarlett: Check pice?
Me: Yes, check the price.
Scarlett: Check pice?
Me. Yes, we need to go and check the price.
Scarlett: Check pice?
Me: Let's go inside and check the price because we don't know how much it is.
Scarlett: Inside pice?

Scarlett practices everything you say. She repeats it at least 20 times to practice. It's adorable.

We did check the price of the purple pool at Wal-Mart. It was $11.88. With tax, it was a good $12.86 invenstment.

Scarlett is a fan of her purple pool.

Me: What color pool do you want, Scarlett?
Scarlett: Puh-ple!
Me: You want the purple pool?
Scarlett: puh-ple pool!
Me: Okay, let's get a purple pool!
Scarlett: puh-ple pool!

Have you ever carried a two year old, a purse, and a 5 foot plastic purple pool clear across the Walmart parking lot in 98 degree heat?

I don't recommend it.

I do, however, recommend a two year old in a purple pool.

Father's Day

How cool is it that it's father's day and Steve took SusaMae to the grocery store, bought breakfast (and formula, milk, and chips) and brought me back flowers!? Score one for me!

While he was gone, Scarlett woke up and I had her make a little video.

So today we're going to my mom's house for Father's Day and we're super psyched that we only have to travel 5 minutes with the girls. It's SO MUCH EASIER when I host or my mom hosts something. With the price of gas the way it is, we really can't afford to drive.

And while I'm talking about the price of gas - what's up with that? How are we going to live soon with the cost rising like it is? Seriously - no, seriously. The cost of food is outrageous and we are now spending at least $100 a week on gas during the school year. We don't have the option to take public transportation or carpool so we're screwed in that respect.

Something's gotta give!

Onto lighter subjects -

Here are the pictures that I had made for Steve and all the daddies for today.

How is it June already??

What happened to May?

Where did May go?

How in the world is it JUNE already!?

It feels like I just had a baby. I've still got that "just had a baby body" - it's REAL cute. That's my summer goal - to whip myself back into a semblance of some shape other than round. I'm doing round really well now. Remember how I don't know how it's June? I can see myself losing track of all time with trying to get myself back into shape, too - before I know it, 6 weeks will have passed and I'll still have this roundy body.

We are going to have a busy summer. We both have new jobs. I am absolutely THRILLED about going somewhere new. I need a change and eventually when the girls start school, I'm hopeful that they will come with me to work and go to school there. The biggest challenge is going to be finding enough time to put together my classroom again. I have SO MUCH STUFF.

Remember when I put together those 9 pictures of Scarlett when she was younger? I did the same for SusaMae today. Here they are side by side. I am starting to see quite a few similarities. SusaMae is just so cute these days. Scarlett is talking to much and just learns everything - I am amazed by what a cute little person she is.

Here are the pictures side by side.

Two kids is more work than work

Wonder why this blog hasn't been updated? I know you wondered.

It's because we are so busy that we can't see straight. It is non-freaking-stop all day long Our girls are so cute and so cuddly (almost all the time) and they keep us on our toes.

I'm exhausted every day.

Each and every day is a long day but it seems there are never enough hours in the day to complete what needs to get done. It's a horrible catch 22.

Here are the sweeties that are killing me.