

Geez, it's AUGUST.

My girls have gone back to daycare and I've attempted to gain back my identity instead of being just "Mommy" - not that I don't ADORE being Mommy, but sometimes I want to be Jen, too.

SusaMae apparently has adapted to daycare well. She's refusing to eat her breakfast spoon feeding. Today she was in her "spare" onesie when I picked her up because she had puked peas out of her nose while eating them - so on went the spare.

Scarlett tinkled on the potty at daycare today- she told Miss Dana she had to go after naptime - talk about an improvement! WOOHOO! She did not want me to leave this morning and I felt so darn bad that I stayed and sat with her while she ate breakast (two plates of pancakes and syrup and some milk) and then helped shoo the 2's and tots into the classroom after doing a quick sticky syrup hand cleaning session.

Daycare is exhausting the girls. At 7 tonight, they were both in bed. It was truly beautiful. It's 830 now and I think Scarlett has finally fallen asleep. She's become a master at finding things to occupy her time until SHE wants to go to bed. It's a good thing she's not independent - because if she was- we may be in trouble. (Have you noticed scarcasm isn't one of my best traits?! HA!)

After I drop the girls tomorrow, I'm off to Kohls with my extra 20% coupon and then heading to school to attempt to try and finish my room. What a task. Who thought changing schools and districts was a good idea? Oh yeah, that was ME.

I'm tired and I haven't even SEEN a student yet!

Thank gosh my girls are doing well at daycare, though. Scarlett is going to get to bring cupcakes to school tomorrow - LOL - Dana will have fun with that.