I am so tired
Who ever thought that having a baby would be easy was just plain WRONG. This whole sleep thing is about killing me at the moment. SusaMae has gotten better about only getting up once or twice a night but night after night, it's plain exhausting. By the time Thursday rolls around (i.e. TODAY) I am so tired I just want to fall out on the floor. SusaMae and Scarlett are so needy that it's just not possible to do that - hencec, the comment of whoever thought having a baby would be easy is just plain WRONG.
I made a list of things to do today - and now that I look at it, it looks like a bunch of one liners in a comedy sketch. I laugh after I read each one and sit here writing in the blog instead. At the moment, now that I've cleaned the living room and kitchen, done two loads of laundry, done the dishes, pumped, fed the baby 3 times, eaten lunch, gone for a walk, put the baby down for two naps, took Scarlett to daycare, and listed an auction on ebay, if it doesn't involve eating chocolate and sitting and being on the web - it ain't for me. How can I convince Steve to take me to dinner.......
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