It's amazing my marriage is surviving
Steve and I have decided that for Scarlett and Susannah we are building a "Playscape" as our HOA calls it. It's a glorified name for a friggin SWING SET. Granted, it's not the metal swing set that I had as a kid. It IS a glorified swing set. Built out of solid wood with a fort and porch and a wave slide that any kid would be lucky to have.
Steve and I have undertaken this project together and when we did, I knew it would be taking a chance with our marriage. We don't fight, really. But we work differently - as in, I need to see it visually and Steve wants to explain it with his hands. As much as fancy hand work can be described as a visual, it's not quite what I need - and thus, I become frustrated. I've learned that if I want to keep my frustration level down, I just need to accept that Steve is a hand talker and I'm a need to see'er.
I'm glad to report that there have been no major misunderstandings and no major fights -in fact - not even minor ones have happened. We're more than halfway done as of today (and dog ass tired, too) and hoping to finish up tomorrow. I do have pictures, but they'll have to wait as I'm too tired to upload them to the computer right now.
If I were Scarlett, I would poop my pants if someone gave this to me. Heck, as an adult, I'm looking forward to being able to play on this glorified swing set.
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